Patient Center

Learn more about the conditions we treat with our comprehensive guides and expert insights. Start your path to recovery with informed confidence.

A Reputation for Quality

Our therapists at EZ Rehab Solutions are highly trained to provide quality care for head and neck pain. A thorough initial evaluation helps us identify movement dysfunction that can be addressed with patient education, manual techniques, therapeutic exercise, and modalities. Regular reassessment provides reassurance that we are always working to achieve patient goals in a cost-effective manner.

Priority One – Pain Relief

Severe head & neck pain can be disabling. For this reason, our first priority is pain relief. Treating the underlying causes of identifiable movement dysfunction is the next step toward achieving long-term relief and recovery.

A Hands-on Approach

Hands-on techniques, in most cases, are an essential part of a successful head and neck pain treatment program. Our therapists are equipped with cutting-edge manual skills to assist with the recovery of range of motion, reestablish correct movement patterns, and alleviate muscle related pain and tightness. Coupled with patient education and therapeutic exercise, the results can be dramatic and long lasting.

Evidence is Our Guide

Medical research is continuously providing the clinicians at EZ Rehab Solutions with “current best-evidence” guidance so we are equipped to provide the state-of-the -art care to our community members. We look to systematic reviews and random controlled trials to help guide us in the delivery of state-of-the-art care. Coupled with regular attendance to continuing education courses, EZ Rehab Solutions has a reputation for providing a high quality service to those in need of head and neck pain rehabilitation.

Temporomandibular disorder (TMD), is a term that describes an entire group of disorders involving the temporomandibular joint or joints (TMJ).

The TMJs are the jaw joints. There is one on each side of your head just in front of your ear canals. Like many other joints in the body, they consist of:

  • Muscles that control joint movement,
  • Ligaments that hold the bones together,
  • Cartilage that provides a smooth surface for the bones to move on,
  • A disc that helps with proper movement, of the bones,
  • Elastic tissue that helps hold the disc in place.

One or more of the above tissues can cause symptoms. In fact, studies suggest that one third of the population at any one time experiences TMJ symptoms such as pain with chewing, yawning, or jaw opening. Women seem to have TMJ problems much more often than men and it is estimated that 3-6% of the population might benefit from treatment.

There are a variety of temporomandibular disorders. The muscles (myogenous), joint(s) (arthrogenous), or a combination of the two may cause pain.

Since physical therapists treat muscle and joint problems, they are ideally suited to address a TMD. Moreover, a majority of patients diagnosed with TMD, also have associated neck pain. Both respond well to treatment provided by a physical therapist. No other healthcare practitioner is better suited to address both the TMD and neck pain.

TMD may appear to be a complex condition and it shouldn't be. This website and your physical therapist can help to insure the following:

  1. You are properly educated,
  2. that your treatment is conservative, cost-effective, and reversible, goals are realistic,
  3. your examination is brief and meant to identify your source(s) of pain.

When a physical therapist performs the examination, they will be able to classify you as having one or more of the following:

  1. An inflammatory condition
  2. Limited jaw range of motion
  3. Excessive jaw range of motion
  4. Arthrogenous Disc Displacement
  5. Jaw muscle pain
  6. Neck pain causing related headaches (sometimes mistaken as TMD)

Once the involved structures are identified, the therapist will be able to provide you with the appropriate treatment.

Millions of Americans are adversely impacted by back pain each year. Studies show that, at one point or another, approximately 80% of the U.S. population will be affected.

While there are a lot of treatment options available, many of these only address the symptoms and don’t target the actual cause of your pain or handle it for the long term.

The three main causes of low back pain and sciatica are:

  1. Herniated Discs
  2. Arthritis
  3. Pelvis issues

Without identifying the correct cause of your pain there is no way to develop the proper treatment plan.

Our physical therapists will find the actual cause of your back pain. The goal of effectively resolving your low back pain or sciatica includes…

  • Identify the true cause
  • Create a unique plan for your specific condition
  • Relieve your pain
  • Restore your normal motion, flexibility, mobility
  • Strengthen the supporting muscle
  • Return to your normal activities

Here at EZ Rehab Solutions our specialty is Back and Neck Pain. Our therapists are very experienced and have the knowledge and skills to provide a number of different ways to reach your goal of getting back to your normal self again.

On your first visit...

  1. It begins with a full interview and physical therapy examination.
  2. Afterwards the therapist will explain to you in English, not medical jargon, where the cause of your problem is coming from.
  3. YOUR GOALS and YOUR EXPECTATIONS will be discussed and agreed upon.
  4. Considering those goals, you will learn what successful treatment looks like.
  5. You and the therapist will discuss this plan and work together to resolve your pain and get you back to your normal self again.

Physical therapists (PTs) are experts in the art and science of the evaluation and treatment of human movement dysfunctions. We care for people of all ages and treat a variety of muscle, joint and neurological conditions.

Conditions we have successfully treated:

  • Impingement*
  • Rotator Cuff Tear
  • Instability
  • Fracture/Trauma
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Tendinopathy
  • Arthritis

What are my treatment options?

  • Drugs
  • Surgery
  • Physical Therapy*

Advantages of Physical Therapy:

  • No side effects.
  • Cost-effective.
  • Supported by clinical research*.
  • Customized to treat the underlying cause.

Your Recovery Process:

  • Pain Relief
  • Restoration of Normal Movement
  • Recovery of Function
  • Independent Care.

Components of Your Care:

  • A thorough biomechanical evaluation.
  • Customized treatment plan.
  • Extensive patient education.
  • Hands-on techniques to relax the muscles and recover mobility.
  • Stretching for tight muscles.
  • Strengthening of weak muscles.
  • Mobilization of stiff joints.
  • Modalities such as ice, heat, ultrasound or electrical stimulation.

Everyone is different. You may require one or two visits, or an extended care plan over several weeks or months. If you’re ready for relief, and tired of “masking” your pain, treat the cause, not just the symptoms!

Elbow Fractures

Elbow fractures usually involve a fall onto the outstretched arm or a direct trauma to the elbow. With elbow dislocations there may be associated nerve and/or blood vessel injuries. X-rays may show the fracture or dislocation but small breaks may be difficult to see.

Fractures are an emergency and immediate reduction (or placing the bones together to allow healing) is necessary. Bone breaks within the joint need special attention to ensure recovery of proper function of the joints.

Ulnar Nerve Injuries

This injury is usually the result of excessive valgus stress on the elbow during repeated throwing (especially during the cocking phase of a throw). Sometimes a direct injury to the nerve within the cubital tunnel ("hitting your funny bone") will result in nerve damage. Symptoms include tingling and numbness in the ring and pinky fingers. This may occur during or after throwing or with prolonged bending of the elbow.

Changing throwing technique, bracing if necessary, and therapeutic exercise may be helpful. If the problem persists, or there is prolonged weakness, then surgery is indicated.



Fractures of the Forearm/Wrist

Fractures of the wrist and hands are commonly named for their anatomical location, how they occurred, or a doctor that discovered or studied the given type of fracture.

The fingers are susceptible to fracture in household mishaps, recreational injuries and work-related trauma.

Most hand fractures are stable and do not require surgery. However, occasionally, fractures will not heal without appropriate surgical intervention. Internal support or "hardware" is necessary to stabilize fractures. The therapist may apply a form fitting, custom thermoplastic splint to protect the fracture during healing. These splints may be removed for exercise and hygiene.

Most therapy programs commence days to 3 or 4 weeks post op, to regain motion, decrease pain, and reduce swelling. Rehabilitation may continue for weeks or months to restore range of motion (ROM) and strength.

Carpal Tunnel

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a compression of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel. There is pain, tingling, and in severe cases, numbness in the thumb, index middle and 1/2 of the ring finger. It is typically caused by repetitive tasks involving the hand and wrist. Typing with the wrists resting on hard surfaces can result in this problem.

It is often worse at night or with driving and can lead to loss of grip strength and coordination. As the problem progresses, atrophy (muscle wasting) of the thumb muscles may occur.

Treatment typically consists of splinting the wrist in a neutral position (no bend in the wrist in either direction), anti-inflammatory medication, and most importantly, activity modification such as wearing a padded glove during cycling. Surgical release of the transverse carpal ligament is often performed before muscle wasting occurs. Physical therapy follows to help restore range of motion, strength, and to educate the patient of factors that can lead to a reoccurrence of the problem.

Physical therapists (PTs) are experts in the art and science of the evaluation and treatment of human movement dysfunctions. We care for people of all ages and treat a variety of muscle, joint and neurological conditions.

Conditions we have successfully treated:

  • Hip Pain
  • Arthritis*
  • Tendonitis
  • Groin Strain
  • Trochanteric Bursitis
  • Post Surgical Hip Replacement

What are my treatment options?

  • Drugs
  • Epidural Injections
  • Surgery
  • Physical Therapy*

Advantages of Physical Therapy:

  • No side effects.
  • Cost-effective.
  • Supported by clinical research.*
  • Customized to treat the underlying cause.
  • Your Recovery Process:
  • Pain Relief
  • Recovery of Any Lost Hip Range of Motion
  • Increased Strength
  • Recovery of Walking and Functional Skills
  • Independent Care

Components of Your Care:

  • A thorough biomechanical evaluation.
  • Extensive patient education.
  • A customized treatment plan.
  • Gentle hands-on techniques to relax the muscles.
  • Effective joint mobilization techniques to decrease stiffness.
  • Pain-relieving modalities such as ice, heat, ultrasound or electrical stimulation.
  • Targeted stretching for tight muscles.
  • Walking, stair climbing, sit-to-stand retraining.
  • Balance exercises.

Everyone is different. You may require one or two visits, or an extended care plan over several weeks or months. If you’re ready for relief, and tired of “masking” your pain, treat the cause, not just the symptoms!

Physical therapists (PTs) are experts in the art and science of the evaluation and treatment of human movement dysfunctions. We care for people of all ages and treat a variety of muscle, joint and neurological conditions.

Conditions we have successfully treated:

  • Arthritis
  • Chondromalacia
  • Patellofemoral Pain
  • Ligament Sprains
  • Tendonitis/Bursitis
  • Tendon/Muscle Strains
  • IT Band Syndrome
  • Post Surgical Conditions

What are my treatment options?

  • Drugs
  • Corticosteroid Injections
  • Epidural Injections
  • Physical Therapy*

Advantages of Physical Therapy:

  • No side effects.
  • Cost-effective.
  • Supported by clinical research*.
  • Customized to treat the underlying cause.

Your Recovery Process:

  • Pain Relief
  • Recovery of Knee Motion
  • Recovery of Strength
  • Functional/Sports Retraining
  • Independent Home/Health Club Program

Components of Your Care:

  • A thorough biomechanical evaluation.
  • Extensive patient education.
  • A customized treatment plan.
  • Gentle hands-on techniques to relax the muscles.
  • Effective joint mobilization techniques to decrease stiffness.
  • Pain relieving modalities such as ice, heat, ultrasound or electrical stimulation.
  • Targeted stretching for tight muscles.
  • Progressive strength training.
  • Balance and muscular re-education.

Everyone is different. You may require one or two visits, or an extended care plan over several weeks or months. If you’re ready for relief, and tired of “masking” your pain, treat the cause, not just the symptoms!

Physical therapists (PTs) are experts in the art and science of the evaluation and treatment of human movement dysfunctions. We care for people of all ages and treat a variety of muscle, joint and neurological conditions.

Conditions we have successfully treated:

  • Ankle Pain
  • Shin Splints
  • Ankle Sprains
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Achilles Tendonitis
  • Excessive Pronation
  • Post Surgical Conditions
  • Tibialis Posterior Tendonitis

What are my treatment options?

  • Drugs
  • Corticosteroid Injections
  • Surgery
  • Physical Therapy*

Advantages of Physical Therapy:

  • No side effects.
  • Cost-effective.
  • Supported by clinical research*.
  • Customized to treat the underlying cause.

Your Recovery Process:

  • Pain Relief
  • Recovery of Mobility or Stability
  • Increased Strength
  • Recovery of Walking and Functional Skills
  • Independent Care

Components of Your Care:

  • A thorough biomechanical evaluation.
  • Extensive patient education.
  • A customized treatment plan.
  • Gentle hands-on techniques to relax the muscles.
  • Effective joint mobilization techniques to decrease stiffness.
  • Pain relieving modalities such as ice, heat, ultrasound or electrical stimulation.
  • Targeted stretching for tight muscles.
  • Walking retraining.
  • Balance exercises.
  • Shoe inserts (orthotic recommendations).

Physical therapists (PTs) are experts in the art and science of the evaluation and treatment of human movement dysfunctions. We care for people of all ages and treat a variety of muscle, joint and neurological conditions.

Conditions we have successfully treated:

  • Joint Pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Knee Arthritis
  • Hip Arthritis
  • Shoulder Arthritis
  • Hand Arthritis

What are my treatment options?

  • Drugs
  • Epidural Injections
  • Surgery
  • Physical Therapy*

Advantages of Physical Therapy:

  • No side effects.
  • Cost-effective.
  • Supported by clinical research*.
  • Customized to treat the underlying cause.

Your Recovery Process:

  • Recovery of Joint Motion
  • Recovery of Strength
  • Pain Relief
  • Improved Function
  • Independent Care

Components of Your Care:

  • A thorough biomechanical evaluation.
  • Extensive patient education.
  • A customized treatment plan.
  • Effective joint mobilization techniques to decrease joint stiffness.
  • Pain-relieving modalities such as ice, heat, ultrasound or electrical stimulation.
  • Targeted stretching for tight muscles.
  • Progressive strength training.
  • Balance and functional re-education.

Everyone is different. You may require one or two visits, or an extended care plan over several weeks or months. If you’re ready for relief, and tired of “masking” your pain, treat the cause, not just the symptoms!

Physical Therapists are experts in the art and science of the evaluation and treatment of human movement and balance dysfunctions. We care for a variety of muscle, joint, and nervous system disorders that can affect your balance.

Don’t ignore the Facts:

  • One of every three persons age 65 and older falls each year.
  • Falls are the leading cause of injury and accidental death in those over the age of 85.
  • In 2005, 15,800 people 65 and older died from injuries related to unintentional falls.
  • About 1.8 million people 65 and older were treated in ERs for injuries sustained from falls (CDC 2008).

Risk factors associated with falls:

  • Older Age
  • Vision Problems
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Medications (being on 4 or more)
  • A History of Falls
  • Medical Conditions (such as diabetes, arthritis, stroke, walking problems, fear of falling)

Your Physical Therapist will assess:

  • Your Fall Risk
  • Your Strength
  • Your Balance
  • Your Medical History

* Cited from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2008

What is a balance disorder?

A balance disorder is a condition that makes you feel unsteady or dizzy. If you are standing, sitting, or lying down, you might feel as if you are moving, spinning, or floating. If you are walking, you might suddenly feel as if you are tipping over.

Everyone has a dizzy spell now and then, but the term "dizziness" can mean different things to different people. For one person, dizziness might mean a fleeting feeling of faintness, while for another it could be an intense sensation of spinning (vertigo) that lasts a long time.

Experts believe that more than four out of 10 Americans, sometime in their lives, will experience an episode of dizziness significant enough to send them to a doctor. Balance disorders can be caused by certain health conditions, medications, or a problem in the inner ear or the brain. A balance disorder can profoundly impact daily activities and cause psychological and emotional hardship.

What are the symptoms of a balance disorder?

If you have a balance disorder, you may stagger when you try to walk, or teeter or fall when you try to stand up. You might experience other symptoms such as:

  • Dizziness or vertigo (a spinning sensation)
  • Falling or feeling as if you are going to fall
  • Lightheadedness, faintness, or a floating sensation
  • Blurred vision
  • Confusion or disorientation.

Other symptoms might include nausea and vomiting, changes in heart rate and blood pressure, and fear, anxiety, or panic.

Symptoms may come and go over short time periods or last for a long time, and can lead to fatigue and depression.

What causes balance disorders?

There are many causes of balance problems, such as medications, ear infections, a head injury, or anything else that affects the inner ear or brain. Low blood pressure can lead to dizziness when you stand up too quickly. Problems that affect the skeletal or visual systems, such as arthritis or eye muscle imbalance, can also cause balance disorders. Your risk of having balance problems increases as you get older.

Unfortunately, many balance disorders start suddenly and with no obvious cause.

Common Diagnoses We Work With Include:

  • Central Nervous System Disorders
  • Neuropathy
  • Age-Related Balance Dysfunction
  • Oculomotor (Visual) Dysfunction
  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
  • Labyrinthitis
  • Ménière's Disease
  • Vestibular Neuronitis
  • Muscle Atrophy
  • Nerve Injuries

Treatment for Balance Disorders

There are more than a dozen causes of dizziness and many reasons why you might have difficulty with your balance.

Treatment of balance & dizziness disorders can be very complex. Nevertheless, we have helped numerous residents in the community cope with or recover from conditions that cause balance disorders.

The first thing your doctor will do if you have a balance problem is determine if another health condition or a medication is to blame. If so, your doctor will treat the condition, suggest a different medication, or in many cases, refer you to one of our balance disorder experts here at EZ Rehab Solutions.

How Our Physical Therapists Can Help

Physical therapist directed treatment can assist patients with balance disorders in a number of ways. As experts in the evaluation and treatment of movement, muscle, joint, and nervous system disorders, our physical therapists can prescribe and implement a variety of treatments including:

  • Coordination Exercises
  • Proprioception Exercises
  • Strengthening Exercises
  • Stretching and Range of Motion Exercises
  • Posture Exercises
  • Retraining of the Inner Ear
  • Visual Tracking Training

Education is Therapy

The most important part of treating a balance disorder is understanding your diagnosis, the cause of the problem, and how to manage it. That's why we place great emphasis on patient education and coordination of care with your referring physician.

Three Additional and Important Treatment Options

Reduce Fall Risk. Your physical therapist will assess problem footwear and hazards in your home that increase your risk of balance problems or falling. Household hazards include loose rugs, poor lighting, unrestrained pets, or other possible obstacles.

Reduce Fear of Falling. By addressing specific problems that are found during the examination, your physical therapist will help you regain confidence in your balance and your ability to move freely, and perform daily activities. As you build confidence in your balance and physical ability, you will be better able to enjoy your normal daily activities.

Care Collaboration. Working in collaboration with your medical doctor, allows you to get two expert opinions and assessments of your condition. Together, we can better address your balance disorders and decrease your fear of falling and fall risks.

Positional Vertigo - A Common Cause of Dizziness & Balance Disorders

If you have BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo), our vestibular therapy experts can perform a series of simple movements, such as the Epley maneuver, which can help dislodge the otoconia (calcium crystals) from the semicircular canal of the ear. In many cases, one session works; other people need the procedure several times to relieve their dizziness.

When should I seek help if I think I have a balance disorder?

To help you decide whether to seek medical help for a dizzy spell, ask yourself the following questions. If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, talk to one of our physical therapists and your doctor:

  • Do I feel unsteady?
  • Do I feel as if the room is spinning around me?
  • Do I feel as if I'm moving when I know I'm sitting or standing still?
  • Do I lose my balance and fall?
  • Do I feel as if I'm falling?
  • Do I feel lightheaded or as if I might faint?
  • Do I have blurred vision?
  • Do I ever feel disoriented–losing my sense of time or location?

We Can Help You Cope With Your Condition

The physical therapists at EZ Rehab Solutions can also help increase your strength and coordination to help lower your risk of falling and getting hurt during daily activities, such as when you walk up or down stairs, use the bathroom, or exercise.

Some people with a balance disorder will need the help of our vestibular rehabilitation therapists to cope with their problems. In each case, we will conduct a personalized evaluation of your condition and then we will develop an individualized treatment plan.

We are experts in the art and science of the evaluation and treatment of human movement dysfunctions. We have successfully rehabilitated patients that have undergone a variety of surgical interventions including:

  • Total Hip, Knee, Shoulder Replacement
  • Neck Fusion
  • Arthroscopic Surgical Repairs
  • Rotator Cuff Repairs
  • Subacromial Decompression
  • Lumbar Laminectomy/Fusion/Discectomy
  • Knee Meniscectomy
  • ACL/PCL Reconstruction

We Work Closely with Your Surgeon

Communication is important for optimal recover after a surgical procedure. We follow a number of post-surgical protocols and take the necessary steps to optimize healing. We will be in contact with your referring physician for guidance regarding any precautions and/or recommendations based on your particular procedure.

Goals of the Rehabilitation Process

  • Recovery of joint motion
  • Recovery of strength
  • Pain relief
  • Improved function
  • Independent care

Components of Your Care:

  • A thorough biomechanical evaluation
  • Extensive patient education
  • Gentle hands-on techniques to relax the muscles
  • Effective joint mobilization techniques to decrease stiffness
  • Passive, active-assistive & active range of motion techniques
  • Pain-relieving modalities
  • Progressive strength training
  • Targeted stretching for tight muscles
  • Functional re-education

Recovery Times will Vary

Everyone is different. You may require one or two visits, or an extended care plan over several weeks depending upon the procedure, your health, level of physical fitness and a number of other factors.

Physical Therapy for Auto Accident Victims

Unfortunately, studies show that most of us will be in an auto accident at some point in our lives. The only question remaining is how bad will it be?

Important things to remember:

  1. Seek treatment as soon as possible.
  2. If you are seriously hurt, go to the ER or local hospital. Be sure to ask for a physical therapy prescription, just in case you may need it.
  3. Don't have a doctor? We have a team of doctors who can see you and refer you to physical therapy at no out of pocket expense to you. Call us.
  4. If you still experiencing pain or discomfort a few days or more, come to our office to determine if you need further care.
  5. Remember, come in ASAP in order to get better, faster.
  6. Most Auto Insurance companies have what is called Med Pay or PIP. This means you are covered 100%, with no out of pocket expense up to a certain limit. Our office can check into that for you.
  7. If the accident was not your fault. The other party's auto insurance should cover your health care expenses in our office. We will do all of the paperwork for you.
  8. You should never settle with an insurance company before you have had us evaluate your injury for you. If you settle before your injury is fully resolved, you will be completely on your own and will have to pay out of pocket for your care.
  9. Dealing with insurance companies can be difficult after an auto accident. Hiring a reputable Attorney essentially takes you out of the direct bargaining process with the insurance company and all the paperwork & phone calls associated with that process, and allows you to concentrate on healing.
  10. Injuries sustained after a car accident if left untreated can lead to spinal degeneration and a host of other problems for years to come.

FINAL NOTE: We find that many people involved in an auto accident that WAS THEIR FAULT never get treatment.

This tends to be due to the fear that their insurance will go up after a claim is filed. Your PIP (Personal Injury Protection) is why you have auto insurance in the first place.

Many insurance companies will not raise your rates after 1 or even 2 accidents in the same year.

Patients that suffer from work-related injuries may meet the treatment goals of physical therapy but cannot return to work due to deconditioning (being out of shape).

Work conditioning programs, which often simulate the demands of a given job description, are designed to help patients with the following:

  • Recover their strength
  • Improve endurance
  • Increase flexibility & mobility
  • Improve cardiorespiratory fitnes
  • Personalized interventions are also provided to decrease the odds of re-injury upon return work

Typically, these programs consist of personalized, full-body, intensive training with a focus on the activities that are similar to the physical demands required by a particular category of employment.

To learn more about our work conditioning program, please give us a call.

Send a Message

Have questions or need to schedule an appointment? Contact us today and let’s discuss how we can assist you on your health journey.